excited to build your own AI and don't know where to start?
here are some (free) AI building blocks and other resources to get you in the right direction.
the AI market size is expected to grow twentyfold by 2030, up to nearly $2,000,000,000,000 (Statista, 2024).
google AI
machine learning and artificial intelligence
microsoft AI
artificial intelligence for beginners
aws AI
machine learning and artificial intelligence
cs50 AI
introduction to artificial intelligence with python
ibm AI
machine learning and artificial intelligence
linux foundation AI
data and AI fundamentals
prompting guides
learn prompting
your guide to communicate with AI
deeplearning AI
take your generative AI skills to the next level
coursera prompt
machine learning and artificial intelligence
standford cs221
artificial intelligence: principles & techniques
harvard cs50
artificial intelligence with python
MIT 6.034
artificial intelligence, fall 2010
open source machine learning platform
microsoft azure
build and deploy your own AI solutions